Welcome To The board of directors page

Meet the dedicated individuals guiding Yoga Chitta and supporting our mission to spread the transformative science.

our committeess

The committees are open to non board members. If you are apart of the community and feel you can add value in some way, please inquire about the committee.

The committees are built to ensure the smooth operation and growth of Yoga Chitta. Each committee focuses on a specific area crucial to our communities success.

education committee

Curriculum development, trainings for existing school teachers,  partnerships with educational institutions.

Community outreach

Establish and oversee community outreach efforts. This Includes events, partnerships, and activities that promote the community and its values in the local areas.

Programs committee

Focus on expanding and enhancing our offerings. This includes but is not limited to: new class offerings, retreats, courses, philosophy development, book publishings & projects, nutrition guidelines for our community, daily routine regimens for chittis.

fund raising committee

Develops and executes fundraising strategies to support Yoga Chitta’s initiatives and ensure financial sustainability.

board function committee

Ensures the effective functioning of the board. overseeing board member responsibilities, and addressing any internal issues.

land acquisition committee

Oversee land acquisitions for institute development and expansion.